

the desire, willingness, or eagerness to oblige, serve, please, etc.; obsequiousness. — obsequent, adj.
See also: Attitudes
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In contrast to the Farnsworth House, where the glazed walls disappear to reveal a simply framed vista of the meadow and river beyond, here the glass planes remain appreciably solid, providing a translucent boundary -- but one that inverts and reverts with optical obsequence as one moves back and forth through the building.
GREGG EASTERBROOK: Perished tragically in 1999 when, speaking to an environmental forum at the Harvard Temple of Goddess Obsequence (formerly Harvard Divinity School), he criticized the proposed Moss and Lichen Preservation Act, which would ban all human activity within 500 miles of federally protected fungus.
As a final obsequence, he submitted himself to the humiliation of a "honorable surrender" before Senator McCarthy and his committee.