

n.1.A thing to be observed.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
[phrase omitted]: "Caeterum observandum est hoc loquendi genus, [phrase omitted] ([ohm] 373): ad verbum, Haec ita sunt, pro Haec ita se habent.
In his 404 Articles presented at the Imperial Diet of Augsburg, Eck referred to Balthasar Hubmair (probably as a result of a misunderstanding of Johannes Fabri, Adversvs Doctorent Balthasarvm Pachnontanunt, 18r) as the source of the statement that Christians must celebrate the Sabbath instead of Sunday: "Non desunt, qui sabathum adhuc observandum existiment, quia de eo habemus scripturam, non de dominico die.