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References in classic literature ?
Besides, today, after his long comparative obscuration, he hangs high in the heaven of our literature, for all the world to see; he is a part of the light by which we walk.
AIRMET Sierra denotes IFR conditions and extensive mountain obscuration. In Hawaii, an AIRMET Sierra for mountain obscuration can be issued for an area below 3000 square miles.
Children undergoing cataract surgery early in life like increased IOP, posterior synachae, visual obscuration i.e.
The second part which is about accumulation of merit and purification of obscuration talks about the necessity of accumulating merit and purifying obscuration.
including the removal of reference to CBRN obscuration units.
CPT Key began to understand the need for cross-domain obscuration.
The others segment comprises resonant mass measurement, sedimentation, sieve analysis, and laser obscuration.
One of the early CT findings in acute Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) infarction is that of obscuration of lentiform nucleus, which is due to cellular oedema in the basal ganglia.
Pagasa said Mindanao will best experience the partial solar eclipse since they will have an eclipse obscuration of up to 80 percent, meaning that up to 80 percent of the sun's surface will be covered by the moon's shadow.
These are broadly divided into two groups: 'monocular' which depend on differences in size, angle, gradient, intensity, obscuration and motion of the image falling on a retina and 'binocular' which tend to use differences in blur and position between the eyes' two lens systems.