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Adj.1.neutral-colored - having a color that does not attract attention
coloured, colorful - having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination; "colored crepe paper"; "the film was in color"; "amber-colored heads of grain"
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References in periodicals archive ?
In the public spaces, neutral-colored seating and lamps by Patricia Urquiola, David Rowland, and Richard Shultz are amped up by punchy yellow tones.
Sadly, Perriand's descriptions of her own evolving design aims, working methods and projects are now scarcely recognizable, eg 'A l'emplacement precis des gestes a accomplir, des rangements neutres, incorpores a l'architecture, assurent le cote tres fonctionnel de chaque espace' has been rendered as, 'I also added neutral-colored built-in storage units'.
My button popped off!" Pull out a needle, neutral-colored thread and clear button, and be fixed up in no time!