Neutral tint

a bluish gray pigment, used in water colors, made by mixing indigo or other blue some warm color. the shades vary greatly.

See also: Neutral

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
The neutral tint is better adapted to the sister in whose eyes all things are Maya -- illusion.
They said, with the same dreary grace of manner, "Very sorry to go"; they drove to the railway, arrayed in the same perfect traveling suits of neutral tint; and they had but one difference of opinion among them--each firmly believed that he was smoking the best cigar to be got in London.
Of the five guests, two were middle-aged gentlemen belonging to that large, but indistinct, division of the human family whom the hand of Nature has painted in unobtrusive neutral tint. They had absorbed the ideas of their time with such receptive capacity as they possessed; and they occupied much the same place in society which the chorus in an opera occupies on the stage.
There could not have been a greater contrast between brother and sister, for Stapleton was neutral tinted, with light hair and gray eyes, while she was darker than any brunette whom I have seen in England--slim, elegant, and tall.
"It's a neutral tint that can be built on withscolors and accents," he says.
She noted that while the Barnes' gallery walls were covered in hessian, 'its neutral tint does not have the chromocidal impact of, say, the stark formica-white walls against which the Musee d'Orsay's Impressionists are set.' The biggest drawback to the old Barnes, however, was not the colour of its walls but the fact that both the building and its originator displayed insufficient interest in that buzzword of contemporary culture: accessibility.
Styron's innovation was to develop a specialty combining near infrared blocking properties with a neutral tint, providing the buildings with a comfortable and pleasant interior ambiance.
You should avoid using a conservative lipstick color and instead use a beautiful neutral tint.''
Neutral tints such as grey or brown will minimise any potential colour distortion.
According to Stephen Schroeder, Quaker's international sales manager, the company highlighted, "merchandise based on a natural lifestyle in colors of neutral tints such as off-white and beige," he says.