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 (no͞o′tər, nyo͞o′-)
1. Grammar
a. Neither masculine nor feminine in gender.
b. Neither active nor passive; intransitive. Used of verbs.
2. Biology
a. Having undeveloped or nonfunctional sexual organs: the neuter caste in social insects.
b. Having pistils and stamens that are nonfunctional or absent.
3. Castrated or spayed. Used of animals.
4. Androgynous or asexual.
5. Archaic Taking no side in a dispute; neutral.
1. Grammar
a. The neuter gender.
b. A neuter word.
c. A neuter noun.
2. An androgynous or asexual person.
3. A castrated animal.
4. An insect that has undeveloped or nonfunctional sexual organs, such as a worker bee.
5. Archaic One that is neutral in a dispute.
tr.v. neu·tered, neu·ter·ing, neu·ters
1. To castrate or spay.
2. To render ineffective or powerless: a scandal that neutered the politician.

[Middle English neutre, from Old French, from Latin neuter, neither, neuter : ne-, not; see ne in Indo-European roots + uter, either; see kwo- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.neutered - having testicles or ovaries removedneutered - having testicles or ovaries removed
castrated, unsexed - deprived of sexual capacity or sexual attributes
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
How soon can I get her neutered? I think she came from an empty house down the street where there are about 20 cats all breeding.
Cat owners can get their pets neutered and microchipped for PS5 as part of a new joint campaign.
Cat owners in Renfrewshire could have their cats neutered and microchipped for just PS5 as part of a animal charity campaign.
Team members will be able to pick up cats from their homes, take them to be neutered and then return them to the owner after the procedure is done.
Neutered females cannot become pregnant and have unwanted kittens, nor will they call or wail and neutered males are far less likely to roam.
I FIRMLY believe that getting your cat neutered before it can breed is an essential part of responsible cat ownership.
During this first clinic, they neutered 45 cats over three days and treated a number of others for various skin and eye infections and worms.
"The priority now is ensuring these cats can continue to live happy and healthy outdoor lives by having them neutered.
To date the organization has spayed and neutered over 38,500 cats, preventing the births of hundreds of thousands of unwanted cats in Denver and surrounding areas.
1 recently saw, in my practice, a male mixed breed pup that, at 6 weeks of age, had already been neutered! Indeed, the various animal shelters, rescues, humane societies, etc.
Both cats and dogs that are spayed or neutered have reduced incidents of certain cancers, reduced incidents of certain life-threading diseases and reduces their desire to roam.