
Related to myelon: myeloma, myelin


(Anatomy) the spinal cord
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Follow-up MRIs taken 3 weeks later demonstrated lesions in a bilateral limbic distribution (medial temporal lobes, anterior cingulum, insula, hippocampus, hypothalamus, periventricular tectum), in the basal ganglia (Figure 1), and in the upper myelon. Limbic encephalitis was diagnosed on the basis of morphologic appearance and progressed within 1 week.
Further, the dens axis displayed a small circular enhancement that caused a slight compression of the dural sac without significant myelon compression (Figure 1).
The retropharyngeal and paravertebral phlegmonous infection compromised the cervical myelon from the dorsolateral region and extended from the C0 to C2 level.
The words polio (grey) and myelon (marrow, indicating the spinal cord) are derived from Greek.1 The effect of poliomyelitis virus on the spinal cord leads to typical manifestation of paralysis.