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(Biography) L(eopold) H(amilton). 1881–1944, British novelist, best known for his novel sequence The Near and the Far (1929–40)
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References in classic literature ?
He was not then known as Wing Biddlebaum, but went by the less euphonic name of Adolph Myers. As Adolph Myers he was much loved by the boys of his school.
Adolph Myers was meant by nature to be a teacher of youth.
With the boys of his school, Adolph Myers had walked in the evening or had sat talking until dusk upon the schoolhouse steps lost in a kind of dream.
Hidden, shadowy doubts that had been in men's minds concerning Adolph Myers were galva- nized into beliefs.
Calling Adolph Myers into the school yard he began to beat him with his fists.
Her name is Myers, I believe; and she was recommended to me by a respectable old dowager: a lady of high repute in the religious world.
When Miss Myers arrived, I was not prepared to give her a very cordial reception.
I can ill afford to leave anything behind, since I have no money, except a few guineas in my purse; and besides, as Rachel observed, whatever I left would most likely become the property of Miss Myers, and I should not relish that.
"Only your brother, Myers, my dear; somehow or other, we made a mistake in our figures, which made out a demand in his favor of
I paid it in property, but when we came to look over the figures it was discovered that a cypher too much had been thrown in, and Myers paid back the difference like a man, as he is."
Burges, Duer and Mackenzie, 1843; The French Governess; or, The Embroidered Handkerchief, 1843; Richard Dale, 1843; Wyandotte, 1843; Ned Myers, or Life before the Mast, 1843; Afloat and Ashore (Miles Wallingford, Lucy Hardinge), two series, 1844; Proceedings of the Naval Court-Martial in the Case of Alexander Slidell Mackenzie, etc., 1844; Santanstoe, 1845; The Chainbearer, 1846; Lives of Distinguished American Naval Officers,
Lang, Leaf, and Myers. A criticism of Pope's work which Pope never forgave but which is final in some aspects was made by the great Cambridge professor, Bentley: 'It's a pretty poem, Mr.