moving target indicator

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moving target indicator

A radar presentation which shows only targets which are in motion. Signals from stationary targets are subtracted out of the return signal by the output of a suitable memory circuit.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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The system will operate in multiple radar modes, including Synthetic Aperture Radar and Ground Moving Target Indicator, to provide a comprehensive operating picture.
The commercial drone units also feature a broad range of internal loads such as an all-weather GA-ASI LynxA synthetic aperture radar/ground moving target indicator (SAR/GMTI), 2,000 lb payload, maximizing long loiter capabilities, and an Electro-optical/Infrared (EO/IR) sensor.
L3 WESCAM's new Automated Video Tracker (AVT) and embedded Moving Target Indicator (MTI) technologies are supported by this new architecture and provide automatic target acquisition of multiple targets with significantly improved target lock performance in challenging mission scenarios.
"The EISS includes infrared/electro-optical, synthetic aperture radar imagery and ground moving target indicator, mission control element, launch and recovery element, signals intelligence package, an imagery intelligence exploitation system, test equipment, ground support, operational flight test support, communications equipment, spare and repair parts, personnel training and training equipment, publications and technical data, U.S.
But for other combat scenarios in the future, Isherwood says, the military might need to rely on other types of data such as signals intelligence (collection of electronic intercepts or emissions), moving target indicator data (Doppler shifts of moving objects to detect and track targets), radar imagery; and measurement and signals intelligence (combines radar, laser, optical, infrared, acoustic, electromagnetic and atmospheric mediums to identify objects).
Similar flights, for the ground moving target indicator (GMTI), are expected to be validated within the next couple of weeks.
Moving target indicator (MTI) processing removes from the display any returned pulses that indicate no movement or are within a specified range of Doppler shift.
The Ground Moving Target Indicator radar technology found in the E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (Joint STARS) has provided the United States with unprecedented new capabilities and a major challenge.
Harris is responsible for the design of the radar sensor payload, which will provide Moving Target Indicator (MTI) surveillance of areas previously obscured from view by airborne assets.
Huckins led a group of technical experts in the development of standardization agreement 4607, the NATO Ground Moving Target Indicator Format.
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