

(Biography) Mo, full name Marjorie Mowlam. 1949–2005, British Labour politician; secretary of state for Northern Ireland (1997–99) and minister for the cabinet office (1999–2001)
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References in periodicals archive ?
It's Mowlam's first public admission that she will step down as a Cabinet Office Minister.
SINN Fein has accused the intelligence community of trying to sabotage the Northern Ireland peace process following an admission from Mo Mowlam that she sanctioned the bugging of a car used by Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness.
MO MOWLAM was the Oprah Winfrey of British politics.
FORMER Northern Ireland Secretary Mo Mowlam is critically ill, hospital officials said last night.
MO MOWLAM, the former Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, will speak at a charity gala dinner in Coventry.
An astonishing attack on Tony Blair's "nannying" Government was launched today by former Teesside Cabinet Minister Mo Mowlam.
Former Northern Ireland Secretary Mo Mowlam returned to her roots at a Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Women in Business event.
MO MOWLAM yesterday apologised for any "hurt" she had caused the Queen after saying she should move out of Buckingham Palace.
A DOCUMENTARY on Mo Mowlam will claim that Tony Blair failed to defend her during her reign as Northern Ireland Secretary.
MO Mowlam's standing ovation during a key Labour Party conference speech by PM Tony Blair triggered a campaign against her, her husband claimed yesterday.
Labour's Mo Mowlam swept to victory in the Redcar constituency, more than doubling the majority achieved by her predecessor Jim Tinn four years before.
JULIE Walters has won best actress at the International Emmys - for her portrayal of the late Coventry politician Mo Mowlam.