moving average

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Related to moving average: Weighted moving average

moving average

(Statistics) statistics (of a sequence of values) a derived sequence of the averages of successive subsequences of a given number of members, often used in time series to even out short-term fluctuations and make a trend clearer: the 3-term moving average of 4, 6, 8, 7, 9, 8 is 6, 7, 8.
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Each Moving Average represents a level of support and resistance and can be used as such for entering and exiting trades.
As long as the 50 Simple Moving Average (SMA) 4-hour stays above the 100 SMA 4-hour, Bitcoin is expected to remain bullish in the short-term.
The Dubai and Abu Dhabi indices breached the keenly watched 50-day moving average. The Dubai Financial Market general index closed 1.9 per cent lower at 2,715.68, below the 50-day moving average of 2,736.
The four-week moving average of continuing claims still fell to 1.7 million, a decrease of 13,750 from the previous week's revised average.
Zukowski said the 200-day moving average is a critical area for the S&P 500 in 2019, pointing out that the index has consistently traded above its 200-day moving average since 2011.
Chang, Chan, and Chiang (2014), conducted a study of individual stocks in an emerging market, and found a tradeoff between liquidity and profitability of variable moving average stock returns; correspondingly we report a parabolic relationship between volatility and stock returns.
Limlingan said the 100-day moving average at 7,660 would be a key resistance to breach as this would be the first indication that the index would enter a trend reversal.
This presented research paper discusses a construction of a low-cost localization system using only inertial sensors and three different simple filters, namely simple moving average, exponential moving average and simple Kalman filter.
Focusing on observable components and single-equation models, it outlines time series models like static and finite distributed lag; autoregressive distributed lag; lagged dependent-variable; moving average; differenced data; and ARCH (autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity), GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity), ARMA (autoregressive moving average), ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average), and error correction models.
The four-quarters moving average, a measure of the past year's growth, was up 5.4%.