

(ˈmɒdʒ ə ləˌraɪz)

v.t. -ized, -iz•ing.
to form or organize into modules, as for flexibility.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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This is part of a new Windows Core OS (WCOS) project at Microsoft which seeks to modularize its OS to run in unique ways on unconventional hardware.
FASA will not make use of conventional purpose-built equipment, but instead modularize the various individual functions of access equipment as much as possible to enable the free combination of these individual components.
Each redesign will modularize the curriculum, allowing students to progress through the developmental course sequence at a faster pace if possible or at a slower pace if necessary, spending the amount of time needed to master the course content.
Intended for experienced Flex and Java architects, the guide explains how to customize the messaging layer of LCDS or BlazeDS, modularize the Flex RIA, load the first page of an RIA quickly with a preloader, and synchronize data with Adobe AIR.
Since most systems include crosscutting concerns, it's no surprise that a few techniques have emerged to modularize their implementation.
Since that time, we've equipped everybody in Iraq with that capability, and we're equipping the entire Army as we modularize. The process of acquiring that required us to first of all establish a network and get it certified by the communications guys and cleared by security folks.
There is a strong push to standardize and modularize the Navy's material handling mission with a common system that can handle all of the required tasks."
To modularize a program written using PERFORM statements, a set of subroutines is selected and moved to a new compilation unit; the parameter lists for those subroutines are computed; and the program is modified to use the CALL mechanism to call these subroutines.
The next logical step, as the company evolves, will be to modularize that approach so that different areas of the organization can pick and choose the pieces relevant for additional critical workforces.
KBR will provide engineering and project management services to develop the process design; specify the required equipment; layout, modularize and integrate the decks; perform the necessary structural analyses; and provide the electrical power generation and distribution system designed to support the platform and the down-hole electrical submersible pump requirements.
We compare and contrast their capabilities with respect to their ability to modularize crosscutting concerns to satisfy sound principles of software development.
There is even a chance to use this opportunity to copy submarine construction practices and modularize structures around bulkheads in some applications.

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