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(ˈməʊdɪəs; ˈmɒdɪʊs)
(Units) (in ancient Rome)a measure of capacity or quantity for dry substances that equates to about 9 litres
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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His modius, or headdress, is common to both Greek and Egyptian traditions, and here represents a grain measure carved with vegetal elements in high relief, a Greek symbol for the land of the dead and also a reflection of Egypt's reputation as the grain basket of the ancient world.
This brings us to the second of CES's absurd technologies, the allegedly headache-inducing headset from Modius Health.
Modius has built a headset that stimulates your vestibular nerve, which runs behind your ear and into your brain.
The neurotechnology startup Neurovalens just completed an Indiegogo campaign for a weight loss headset called ( MODIUS , which stimulates the brain to boost metabolism.
The Belfast-based company, founded by a team of British doctors and neuroscientists Paul McGeoch and Jason McKeown will launch Modius in the UK and US via crowd-funding website Indiegogo on August 8.
New partners recently added to the program include Atos, Bosch, GreatBay Software, ForgeRock, IOTech, Mocana and Modius.
Founding members include: Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Alleantia, Analog Devices, Bayshore Networks, Beechwoods Software, Canonical, ClearBlade, CloudPlugs, Cloud of Things, Cumulocity, Davra Networks, Dell, Device Authority, Eigen Innovations, EpiSensor, FogHorn Systems, ForgeRock, Great Bay Software, IMS Evolve, IOTech, IoTium, KMC Controls, Kodaro, Linaro, MachineShop, Mobiliya, Mocana, Modius, NetFoundry, Neustar, Opto 22, relayr, RevTwo, RFMicron, Sight Machine, SoloInsight, Striim, Switch Automation, Two Bulls, V5 Systems, Vantiq, VMware and ZingBox.
Alioquin necesse est confundi ordinationem reipublice, ementes quoque et vendentes multipliciter defraudari, quemadmodum si ulna, modius, pondusve certam quantitatem non servet".
Ademas pueden corresponder a los denominados scrinia, simples recipientes destinados a contener objetos personales como cartas o libros, tambien fabricados con maderas curvas rodeadas por aros de metal, como los localizados en Harlow (Essex, Inglaterra); Morvern (Escocia); Reze les Nantes (Francia), inicialmente interpretado como un modius; Carlisle (Inglaterra); Oberflacht (Alemania) (Pugsley, 2003: 95-99), o Salzburgo (Alemania), tambien considerado un modius (Baatz, 1998: 71).