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(ˌmærəˈkiːn; ˈmærəkɪn; -kwɪn)
(Tanning) tanning morocco leather
[C16: from French: Moroccan]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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fur tippet,) the richness of his cloak, lined with the most costly sables, his maroquin boots and golden spurs, together with the grace with which he managed his palfrey, were sufficient to merit clamorous applause.
Les lettres ou documents sont en effet colles, sans respect d'une quelconque chronologie, dans un volume relie de maroquin rouge aux armes de France, les lettres recues par Arbell etant integrees sans aucune logique parmi celles adressees au compositeur.
CALIFORNIA--Jon Ashely, Kevin Bates, Joyce Bean, Juana Cavinder, Todd De Palma, Suzanne Esparza, Yael Hellman, Evalyn Horowitz, Nathan Hughes, Cameron Javdani, Harpreet Johl, Rhonda Litt, Perla Lozano, Sammi Malaivanh, Elliott Maroquin, Joel Mayoral, James Mulhearn, Bret Osborn, Yvonne Raphael, Jay Rasario, Franklin Rutledge II, Andrew Saliz, Mike Thornton, Karen Wilson
(26.) Toussaint, A., Kummert, J., Maroquin, C., Lebrun, A., Roggemans, J.
Boudrika et son groupe qui s'accrochent, encore et toujours, a leur maroquin, doivent l'avouer.
Givonni (Gio) Vazquez teamed with Allen Sanchez to take the title over Hector Velez and George Maroquin.
4 Willerhausen B, Tekyatan H, Kasaj A, Maroquin BB.
In his memoirs, Montesquiou describes the ecstasy he experienced as a young lyceen when aristocratic and bibliophilic pedigree merged in his grandfather's decision to bestow on him "un tres precieux petit livre du dix-huitieme siecle" (Pas 1: 173), just discovered in Anatole's library and which his grandson admired "religieusement." The rarity and singularity of this "bibelot" (173)--"orne de gravures avant toute lettre, par Moreau le Jeune, relie en maroquin citron, avec gardes en tabis rose" (173)--compounded by its conferral on the young man by his strange yet majestic "aieul," a poet himself, made him feel "[une] exceptionnelle jouissance de se voir attribuer, avec une miraculeuse facilite qui la rend plus belle, une chose que j'admirais avec une exstase refrenee" (174).
Ces manuscrits eurent rarement le privilege d'orner les bibliotheques tapissees de maroquin, a la facon de la <<tannerie>> du personnage de La Bruyere.