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Related to Maroni: Mormon, Joseph Smith


 (mə-rō′nē) also Ma·ro·wij·ne (mä′rə-vī′nə)
A river of northern South America flowing about 725 km (450 mi) northward along the Suriname-French Guiana border to the Atlantic Ocean.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Italian officials have confirmed that there was at least one Italian aboard the Libyan boat when the shooting took place, but Maroni said they were there only as maintenance technicians and were not part of the boat crew, Reuters reported.
It was announced Saturday by the Italian Interior Minister, Roberto Maroni, who fully backed France's effort to deport all Roma to Bulgaria and Romania.
France is "simply copying Italy" in flying more than 200 members of the minority to Romania this week, Roberto Maroni said in an interview published in Corriere della Sera daily on Saturday.
places with possible accidents notably train stations," Maroni said in a
Summary: Tripartite cooperation between Italy, Libya and Malta in the Central Mediterranean is working, with migrant arrivals being prevented and thousands of human lives being saved, Italian Home Affairs Minister Roberto Maroni said.
Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, speaking to reporters in Rome, called the terror cell "significant."
The shock call came from Roberto Maroni, a right-winger who is Italy's welfare minister.
"I say not to discard this hypothesis because it isn't at all far-fetched," Labour Minister Roberto Maroni was quoted as saying in an interview in La Repubblica.
Italian Social Affairs Minister Roberto Maroni said that a five-year deal had been struck worth between EUR450m and EUR500m to provide redundancy packages for the 3,700 workers who will be laid off as the airline restructures.
Japan's health and labor minister Chikara Sakaguchi met with Italian Labor Minister Roberto Maroni on Monday for talks on declining birthrates, a common social phenomenon confronting the two countries.
Lamine Maroni, one of the defendants, who allegedly flew to Germany from Britain on Dec.
While the other defendants tried to hide from a TV camera filming the opening in Frankfurt, 31-year-old Lamine Maroni launched a tirade, reciting Koranic verses and urging his co-defendants not to testify.