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an Arabic-speaking Uniat sect in Lebanon, under the authority of the papacy since the 12th century but maintaining its Syriac liturgy, married clergy, and practice of communion in both bread and wine. — Maronite, n., adj.
See also: Catholicism
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As to the defeated camp, which includes the Christians, it is now disregarding the massive responsibility it carries at the level of triggering of war, after it refused to reform the system which was rightfully dubbed "the system of sectarian privileges" or "the system of political Maronism." Consequently, it chose to resort to weapons based on a rash perception of the balances of regional and international powers, while still insisting on promoting a fake image of itself - despite its cultural and economic retreat - using alliances and "understandings" with the powers of the fait accompli in the other camp to overcome the deception of history.
Jouzo criticized Sunday "political Maronism" in the wake of Sfeir's statement that "qualifications were equally important to demographics," a reference to the decreasing number of Lebanese Christians versus their Muslims compatriots.
Summary: BEIRUT: Kataeb (Phalange) Party official MP Sami Gemayel lashed out Monday at remarks made by Mount Lebanon Mufti Sheikh Mohammad-Ali Jouzo, in which he criticized Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Butros Sfeir and accused "political Maronism" of driving Lebanon into cycles of violence and war.
Political Maronism refers to the era of powerful Maronite sway over Lebanese politics from the 1950s until 1975.
Summary: BEIRUT: Mount Lebanon Mufti Sheikh Mohammad-Ali Jouzo criticized Sunday "political Maronism" in the wake of Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Butros Sfeir's statement that "qualifications were equally important to demographics," a reference to the decreasing numbers of Lebanese Christians in comparison to Muslims.
He added that political privileges previously allotted to Maronites and referred to as "Political Maronism" led to the collapse of Lebanon after it dragged the country into cycles of violence and wars.