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Related to lousiness: louse


adj. lous·i·er, lous·i·est
1. Inferior or worthless: a lousy play.
2. Extremely contemptible; nasty: a lousy trick.
3. Sick or unwell: I feel really lousy.
4. Infested with lice.
5. Slang Abundantly supplied: lousy with money.

lous′i·ly adv.
lous′i·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.lousiness - infestation with lice (Pediculus humanus) resulting in severe itching
infestation - the state of being invaded or overrun by parasites
head lice, pediculosis capitis - infestation of the scalp with lice
pediculosis corporis - infestation of body skin with lice
crabs, pediculosis pubis - infestation of the pubic hair by crab lice
2.lousiness - the quality of being disgusting to the senses or emotionslousiness - the quality of being disgusting to the senses or emotions; "the vileness of his language surprised us"
odiousness, offensiveness, distastefulness - the quality of being offensive
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
سوء، تَقْميل
aî vera lúsugur


(laus) plural lice (lais) noun
a type of wingless, blood-sucking insect, sometimes found on the bodies of animals and people.
lousy (ˈlauzi) adjective
1. having lice.
2. really terrible. I'm a lousy cook.
ˈlousiness noun
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in periodicals archive ?
Dates that they agreed to go on even after getting glimpses of this man's lousiness. Ladies, you need to stop.
But even the corner of the world that despises lousiness, tolerated his usual 80-metre pride-filled, chest-thumping 'of course it has to be Bolt,' which should ordinarily be disrespectful to his competitors still in the 100-metre race.
Interaction with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter was "masochistic", she stated, and seeing how well her friends were doing increased feelings of lousiness. Hopping off the approval merry-go-round had reduced her anxiety levels to the extent that she could now coolly evaluate the negative effects of Facebook - and its attempts to "manipulate and control our emotions".
Interaction with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter was "masochistic" she stated and seeing how well her friends were doing increased feelings of lousiness.
'I'm the one being blamed for the lousiness here but they are the ones trying to bring in people here who are lousy,' he said.
Valuation is a "tricky lousiness whether it is hum an valuation, market valuation or financial valuation the processes are similar.
But in truth, he will still feel a bit of the lousiness he spoke about at his pre-match press conference on Friday.
His first extant post-fiesta letter is to Loeb, the model for Robert Cohn in The Sun Also Rises, in which he apologizes for his "nasty insulting lousiness" and "the stinking, unjust uncalled for things I said" (359-60).
Candles are a core competency for The Jay Companies, Hinton said, and the addition of the Fitz and Floyd licensed collection builds on that lousiness.
"Nazdar is focusing on growing our UV inkjet and wide format inkjet Lousiness. We are also expanding our product offerings in both screen and inkjet LED curable inks."
The Guardian said Nativity 2 was "pretty groanworthy", and the Daily Telegraph said it wore its "abject lousiness as a badge of honour".
The thought of escaping to the beach or reuniting with old friends often blinds the most lousiness savvy or tenacious employee, who has been run down by the long winter season," asserts Brandon Wade, CEO and founder of MissTravel.com, "but it is better to reserve beach trips to weekends for the months of May through August and cash out your paid time off during the holidays."