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(ˈlaʊrɪ) or


(Animals) South African any of several species of touraco: louries are divided into two groups, the arboreal species having a mainly green plumage and crimson wings and the species which inhabits the more open savanna areas having a plain grey plumage
[from Malay luri]


(Marketing) South African any of several awards for excellence in advertising and marketing, given by the Marketing Federation of South Africa
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References in periodicals archive ?
Caption: Letter from Ron Loewinsohn to Iven Lourie, 24 February 1968.
Brooks; and Lourie & Cutler and two of that Boston firm's lawyers, Jean M.
While his motives may never be totally clear, Russia expert and author Richard Lourie (Sakharov: A Biography) provides some intriguing insight into what makes Putin tick in his new book, Putin: His Downfall and Russia's Coming Crash, which raises the thought-provoking theory that Putin's notorious and alarming behavior is actually setting himself--and Russia--up for an inevitable fall.
State Senator Joel Lourie called the event "a catastrophe of incredible proportion." After more than a week of incessant precipitation, the rain finally let up and the state set to work cleaning up damages, which were estimated at more than $1 billion.
Liliana Dias, Lourie Terblanche, PhD, and Peizhong Li, PhD, respond to questions such as, "What is the greatest challenge you currently face in your job?" and, "What is the greatest opportunity you see for the EAP field in your country?"
Jonathan Lourie (CEO) and Stuart Fiertz (President) founded Cheyne after working together for nine years at Morgan Stanley.
Jacob Lourie, regional manager at Deliveroo, said: "Birmingham has such a vibrant culinary scene and is full of fantastic eateries and restaurants which, until now, you'd have to visit to experience."
In their 2010 best-selling book Slow Death by Rubber Duck: How the Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Life Affects Our Health, authors and leading environmentalists Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie exposed their readers to the dangerous toxins hidden in everyday items by exposing themselves to the chemical compounds lurking in soaps, stain-blockers, plastic containers, and more.
Judges such as Randall Rader and Alan Lourie were appointed to guide the court's development of patent law.
Raith – Cunningham, McDonald, Mochan, Stein, Forsyth, Clinton, Watson, Fox, White, Benvie, Lourie.
Judges like Randall Rader and Alan Lourie were appointed to guide the court's development of patent law.