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1. (Dancing) a slow dance of French origin
2. (Classical Music) a piece of music composed for this dance
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References in classic literature ?
Answer me this: Hast thou ever fibbed a chouse quarrons in the Rome pad for the loure in his bung?"[4]
Summary: Since taking office in September, President JoAaAaAeAeAaAaAeA o Loure has introduced economic reforms and made some bold political moves.
The composer's directions throughout the score are very specific; instructions include "always slightly quieter than you might think," "dangerous," and "think a Handelian 'loure' here." The piano delivers a variety of effects, by turn percussive, atmospheric, arpeggiated, and driven, and often dovetailing with the vocal line drone.
The other winners include Edward Loure of Tanzania from the ethnic Maasai tribes.
Edward Loure is a Maasai leader from the Arusha region of northern Tanzania and a leading campaigner for secure land rights for indigenous peoples.
And euer when he came in companie, Where Calidore was present, he would loure. And byte his lip, and euen for gealousie was readie oft his owne hart to deuoure, Impatient of any paramoure.
Kohler's latest product is the Loure faucet line, which includes a lavatory faucet, a bath filler and shower components.
As always, Reisner brought a dazzling fluency to her playing, taking the opening Preludio at a sizzling pace only to yield to meltingly conveyed dynamics in the second piece, Loure, energetic bounce in the Gavote, good belting in the Bouree, and sinewy delight in the final Gigue.
Kohler, a global leader in the manufacture of kitchen and bath products, announced the Middle East launch of its new environmental and sustainable Loure faucet collection.
NUDES FLASH Flesh-co loure d dresses, bags and shoes set the tone this season, but the clothes work best with a tan
A number of small studies evaluating a range of different parenting programmes have demonstrated that carers and adoptive parents report high satisfaction following their attendance (Gordon, 1999; Minnis and Devine, 2001; Pallett et al, 2002; Gilkes and Climes, 2003; Hill-Tout, Pithouse and Loure, 2003; Golding and Picken, 2004; Allen and Vostanis, 2005).