Lop Nur

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Lop Nur

 (lŏp′ no͝or′) also Lop Nor (nôr′)
A marshy depression of northwest China in the Tarim Basin east of the Taklamakan Desert. It was once a large salt lake.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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In early 1984, a nuclear bomb assembled by Pakistan was detonated successfully at the Chinese test site of Lop Nor in Xinjiang.
Pakistan's first atomic explosion was carried out with Chinese help in the nuclear testing facility of Lop Nor near the Taklamakan Desert on 26 May 1990.
The focus of the study was Lop Nor, a nuclear testing site in China where three tests were conducted -- May 21, 1992; May 15, 1995; and Aug.
During a test at Lop Nor, the bomb exploded, but the expected atomic reaction did not occur.
However, on the political plane, it is important to remind Beijing, which now claims to be an exemplar of non- proliferation norms, that it has been guilty of what is perhaps the most outrageous act of nuclear proliferation in history-- that of providing another country with the designs of nuclear weapons, material to make them, and then actually testing the weapon in its own test ranges at Lop Nor.
His most recent books are the novella Die Wuste Lop Nor, Khamsin.
Many famous lakes such as Lop Nor have dried up since the 1970s.
A newly discovered section stretches to the Lop Nor desert, once a nuclear test site, making it 4,470 miles in total.
The third, Elif, joined him on an arduous expedition to China, where they visited the "cave of a thousand Buddhas" in the desert of Lop Nor. The relationship did not survive the trip.
At the turn of this century, Hedin noted that in 1600 years the yardags nearby Lop Nor had been eroded 6 m deep by the wind.