log of wood

log of wood

(Rugby) the log of wood NZ an informal name for Ranfurly Shield
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Then a large log of wood came and said, 'I am big enough; I will lay myself across the stream, and you shall pass over upon me.' So he laid himself down; but they managed so clumsily, that the log of wood fell in and was carried away by the stream.
Little John picked him up as though he were a log of wood and carrying him to his horse, set him astride facing the animal's tail; and thus fastened him, leading the animal toward the highroad and, starting the Bishop, more dead than alive, toward Nottingham.
He now began to struggle again, like a madman; but his efforts only served to bury him deeper in the tomb that the poor doomed lad was hollowing for himself; not a log of wood or a branch to buoy him up; not a reed to which he might cling!
He regarded both his captives for a moment with a steady look, and then, stepping aside, he dropped a log of wood across a door different from that by which Duncan had entered.
At last he took a road by the forest skirts, a bypath that dipped toward a broad, pebbly stream spanned by a narrow bridge made of a log of wood. As he drew nigh this bridge he saw a tall stranger coming from the other side.
Again the bugle sounds lustily forth, and rouses the cottager's wife and children, who peep out at the house door, and watch the coach till it turns the corner, when they once more crouch round the blazing fire, and throw on another log of wood against father comes home; while father himself, a full mile off, has just exchanged a friendly nod with the coachman, and turned round to take a good long stare at the vehicle as it whirls away.
And, besides, they say that the culprit is an infamous scoundrel, who killed with a log of wood a worthy canon who had brought him up like his own son.
Grab every opportunity like a drowning person grabs a log of wood floating by.
He said he was hit on the head with a log of wood and fell unconscious," testified Mr Otieno.
THE Managing Director of the National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA), Sen Olorunibe Mamora, last Tuesday escaped death on Lagos inland waterways by whiskers when a floating log of wood hit the boat carrying him and his entourage when he came to inspect the Lagos
They can easily be hung on a curtain rod with fancy edges, on two looks or even a simple log of wood. * A limited edition handwork or embroidered carpets can be put up on walls simply with either track lights or spotlights focused on them to add a vintage and artsy look to the place.
Summary: Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh) [India], Feb 28 (ANI): In a gross violation of human rights, three minor girls were booked for physical assault and inserting a log of wood into the vaginal area of a class 3 girl student here in Pendra.