log jam

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log jam



1. (Forestry) blockage caused by the crowding together of a number of logs floating in a river
2. a deadlock; standstill
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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So for the good of our great country's sake and to stop the decline in its credibility around the world, let's show that Mr Johnson is the answer to the Brexit log jam.
A BID to set up a beauty school in a Gateshead suburb is set to be given the stamp of approval despite a councillor's fears about the scheme causing a "parking log jam".
A BID to set up a beauty school in a Gateshead suburb is set to be given approval despite a councillor's fears about the scheme causing a "parking log jam".
But the heavy rains which swelled the River Tees and carried tonnes of debris downstream made the barrage look like a Canadian log jam.
Along the Skagit River, settlers discovered a 0.8 km long log jam at present day Mount Vernon and a 1.6 km log jam a short ways up stream.
He blamed Karzai, IEC and the Independent Electoral Complaints Commission (IECC) for the log jam. Abdullah said the international community, as Afghanistan's partner in the electoral exercise, should see to it that global aid was spent properly and the polls conducted in a transparent manner.
The ongoing credit log jam for small firms has forced the Bank to consider ramping up its PS80bn Funding for Lending Scheme, minutes of a policymakers' meeting showed this week.
No doubt there will be a crossing built which will probably completely log jam all city centre traffic from early afternoon.
It aims to free up the log jam in credit hitting the economy, by offering banks cheap finance on the condition they passed it on to borrowers.
The Venilio and High Frequency Band entertain the crowds (right) Ruby Fion, 4 with her mum Jo at Deganwy''s Prom Day (left) The Pole Climbing Competition at this year''s Woodfest All pictures by Robert Parry Jones Log jam: Axemen swing into action at Woodfest
The Mavericks now have a log jam at the shooting guard positions with six players able to play the position including Stevenson and Jason Terry, who was instrumental in the playoffs.
"The ramped-up DPS security measures caused a bit of a log jam at entrances, with visitors stretching out the door, waiting to get through.