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n, pl -men
(Professions) a person who reproduces in actual size a draughtsman's design for a ship or an aircraft, working on the floor of a building (mould loft) with a large floor area
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Tom's job as a loftsman meant that he was tasked with working on one of the Clyde's greatest achievements, the QE2.
When he was 16, Gordon began a five-year apprenticeship as a loftsman. His job was to make full-size templates from a naval architect's drawings to mark steel for cutting.
I spent a year crewing on sailboats in the Caribbean and the next five in New Orleans listening to and playing music, learning local cultural dance styles, and working in a variety of jobs--including production manager of a ceramic Mardi Gras mask company, loftsman, boat builder, and teacher for summer and after-school programs.
Robert Ross, 57, started his apprenticeship as a shipwright/ loftsman in 1956.