living bandage

living bandage

(Medicine) a method of treating severe burns or other skin injuries in which cultured cells grown from a sample of the patient's own skin are applied to the wound in order to stimulate new cell growth and avoid problems of graft rejection
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Charyn has a gift for the unexpected, both linguistically and narratively: A snake wraps itself around a boy's arm "like a living bandage," and President McKinley has "the soft, sunken heart of a chocolate eclair." The most emotionally resonant relationship in the book is between Roosevelt and Josephine, his pet mountain lion.
LIVERPOOL, U.K., December 16, 2016 -- Scientists here have tested for the first time a "living bandage" made from stem cells that could revolutionize the treatment and prognosis of meniscal tear, a common sports knee injury.
If successful, it's thought that one day there could be a "living bandage"--a wound would be dressed with a bandage embedded with encapsulated stem cells.
London, Nov 16 (ANI): Scientists at Bristol University have managed to grow a "living bandage" from a patient's own stem cells in a bid to heal a common sporting knee injury.
The bacteria, which are harmless to humans, colonize potato wound sites and form a kind of living bandage that keeps the fungus at bay.
British scientists have developed "living bandages" made from a patient's own cells that speed healing of burns and chronic wounds associated with diabetes.
LIVING bandages made out of a patient's own skin cells could help wounds that don't heal properly.