
Also found in: Idioms.


(Biography) to post messages on the Twitter website about an event, etc, as it happens
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The entire cast would join fans to live-tweet the episodes, which boosted viewers and led to hundreds of thousands of tweets.
Words commonly used in media, such as hate-watch, listicle, live-tweet, second screen, sentiment analysis, cord cutting, and hyperconnected have also been added to
Recently, British entertainment retailer HMV lost complete control of its social media team, when rogue members used the account to live-tweet a massive firing at the company.
people who, for example, live-tweet football matches every weekend, or post
Buttry suggests that reporters looking to 'live-tweet" their local high school or college games (which he dubs "Friday Night Tweets") follow a couple guidelines to help the flow of their coverage.
But many courtrooms across the country currently ban people from bringing smart phones into a trial or hearing, never mind allowing people to actually live-Tweet or -blog the proceedings.
In return, around 20 of Egypt's most-followed Twitter users were invited to live-tweet the event using the hashtag #tweetback to create a buzz publicizing the project and announcing the contributions in Arabic and English through their network of nearly 250,000+ followers.
Apple may also live-Tweet the event, hence the activation of its account.
Pretty Little Liars is a huge hit on social media, and you even have your own live-tweet hashtag, #PLLayWithShay.
To mark the killing of Osama Bin Laden, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) decided to live-tweet the US raid on the Al-Qaeda founder's compound in Pakistan as if it was happening today.
The downtown theater is now setting aside a small number of seats in the back for those who promise to live-tweet from the performance using a special hash tag.
President-elect Donald Trump mistakenly tweeted to a council worker from Britain, while attempting to live-tweet and quote a praiseworthy tweet about his 35-year-old daughter Ivanka Trump's interview airing on CNN on Monday night, and in return, the 70-year-old billionaire received a tweet with a humble request to learn more about climate change.