landing place

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Noun1.Landing place - structure providing a place where boats can land people or goodslanding place - structure providing a place where boats can land people or goods
docking facility, dockage, dock - landing in a harbor next to a pier where ships are loaded and unloaded or repaired; may have gates to let water in or out; "the ship arrived at the dock more than a day late"
landing stage - platform from which passengers and cargo can be (un)loaded
structure, construction - a thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts; "the structure consisted of a series of arches"; "she wore her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and ribbons"
harbor, harbour, seaport, haven - a sheltered port where ships can take on or discharge cargo
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References in classic literature ?
There were four Musketeers on the bottom steps, amusing themselves with the following exercise, while ten or twelve of their comrades waited upon the landing place to take their turn in the sport.
He believed himself transported into that famous country of giants into which Gulliver afterward went and was so frightened; and yet he had not gained the goal, for there were still the landing place and the antechamber.
The landing place was in full view of the guard at the camp.
He landed with his head man and crossed the little point slowly in search of a spot where he might watch the canoe he had left at the landing place. He was smiling in anticipation of the almost certain success of his stratagem--sooner or later the girl would come back and attempt to cross the river in one of their canoes.
She opened the door and met Maria in the landing place, who, breathless with agitation, cried out--
With these words the young man went out and descended the stairs with sufficient calmness to pass unobserved; then upon the lowest landing place he passed Tony, leaning over the balustrade, waiting only for a call from his master to mount to his room.
The surf, however, broke with such violence along the shore that they could find no landing place. Several of the natives appeared on the beach and made signs to them to row round the cape, but they thought it most prudent to return to the ship.
I was flying pretty low by this time, not only looking for landing places but watching the myriad life beneath me.
It was the lot of the voyagers, one night, to encamp at one of these buffalo landing places, and exactly on the trail.
On arrival at Clifden the plane circled round the wireless station for a time, the airmen looking for a safe landing place, and then landed on what must have appeared from above to be a flat ground, but proved to be a bog.
"For a couple of years, I would have bet on Wisconsin as the landing place," Fischer said.