landing threshold

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Related to landing threshold: stopway, landing distance

landing threshold

The beginning of that portion of a runway usable for landing.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
The three-degree path between MDA and the landing threshold is clear.
The report added: "The crew did not identify the beginning of the runway and taxied forward to the landing threshold before beginning their take-off.
While at the low key position, abeam the landing threshold and 1200 feet agl, the pilot receiving instruction smelled fuel.
Also, the landing threshold of Douglas-Charles Airport's 5, 761ft (1, 756m) runway 09--the predominant landing runway--is displaced by 1, 100ft (30.
At night and during IMC, airfields turn on runway approach lights to help pilots visually acquire the landing environment before the aircraft ever reaches the runway's landing threshold.
The long-standing tradition of "Airman Timmy and Lance Corporal Jimmy" in the pilot's headset giving course corrections and trend information will cross landing threshold one last time in the next decade.
While directing operations as tower controller, an F-16 (Gator 01) with limited fuel was approximately one-half mile from landing threshold, he spotted a coyote on the runway, approximately 3,000 ft from landing threshold.
It's 1000 feet from the landing threshold. That's always true.
An instrument approach glidepath is designed to take the airplane to a touchdown zone 1000 feet or one-third of the total runway length from the landing threshold, whichever is less.
The gate is at least a mile outside the final approach fix on the final approach course and can be no closer than five miles from the landing threshold. Per Handbook Table 5-9-1, if you will intercept the localizer less than two miles from the approach gate, the maximum interception angle is 20 degrees.
The accident site was about one mile south the Run-way 31 landing threshold, and 0.4 miles west of the runway's extended centerline.