landing card

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landing card

ncarta di sbarco
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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As we began our descent, I filled in the Pakistani woman's landing card for her.
3 that officers may approach travelers arriving at Singapore who have not yet completed physical landing card to join the trial.
The 19-year-old was contacted and told that there was an issue with her landing card and that she had to pay to have it resolved.
On the inbound journey, Filipinos are-oh, joy!-not required to fill out a landing card, but they must fill out a customs declaration, on which I'm sure everyone scrupulously declares every single item one purchased abroad.
| April 17: Officials are forced to defend a decision to destroy thousands of landing card slips recording the arrival of Windrush generation immigrants into the UK as Labour blame the "fiasco" on the Home Office.
Thousands of landing card slips recording the arrival of Windrush-era immigrants were destroyed by the Home Office in 2009.
Registered Travellers are entitled to use the EEA entry lanes, or if they hold an electronic passport, the ePassport gates, and won't need to routinely fill in a landing card. ( ANI )
The minister said landing card had been strictly banned while work was in progress to issue on-line visas, which would also help end the role of middle man.
Mathew, US citizen landed at Benazir International Airport after entering wrong credentials on landing card and was shifted to immigration cell by the agency.
The ad ends with a landing card that - also with a gaze - takes users to a store to purchase the advertised app.
On the landing card the airport/under profession, he always writes in a small neat hand//as in the astronomical sense, I am a singularity.