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(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the head of government in an Austrian state
[C20: from German, from Land country + Hauptmann leader]
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If autonomization is the goal, the will of Iraq's new government will be decisive and the only positive intervention from the outside--besides from the Autonomous government of South Tyrol and its former Governor (Landeshauptmann) Luis Durnwalder who has repeatedly stated his availability to share experience from 25 years (1989-2014) of leadership, as well as political scientists interested in the case--should come not from nation states but from international and global bodies like the United Nations, the Assembly of European Regions (AER), the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN), or the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
In all likelihood, his music ensemble was only established upon his being appointed the provincial governor (Landeshauptmann) in 1604 and went on to serve in its original form for merely six to eight years, although it is evident that some musicians were still serving at the Liechtenstein court in the second and third decades of the 17th century.
[59.] Kahlig W.: Gesetzgebung einfach, Vortrag vor Landeshauptmann OO, Dr.
Though his application was at first declined by the Party due to various factors--not least of which were his "questionable" writings--a second application to work for the Central Sanatorium for the War Wounded resulted, without a little difficulty, in his acceptance by the Landeshauptmann, the head of the provincial administration.
'Als Landeshauptmann bin ich dabei', the speaker explains, 'und kann mithelfen, ein gutes Team zu schaffen, brennen lass ich jetzt schon das Scheit!
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