land girl

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land girl

(Agriculture) a girl or woman who does farm work, esp in wartime
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References in periodicals archive ?
A trio of young volunteers from the Devil's Porridge Museum at Eastriggs are turning the life of a Land Girl into a film.
Ex Land Girl Renee Evans, of Y Ffor, |recognises herself in an old photo
Land girl killed A VERDICT of "accidental death" was returned at an inquest at Abergavenny on a Land Girl, Irene Margaret Jones, aged 22, whose home address was Mount Pleasant Road, Ebbw Vale.
Former land girl Mona McLeod, 89, of Edinburgh, said: "I'm delighted we've got a memorial.
Chairman of the Land Army Memorial Trust Jim McLaren, whose mother was a Land Girl, said it is the first permanent memorial to their achievements.
The sculpture will be of a Land Girl as depicted on the iconic recruitment poster used during the war.
Children and adults alike will be absorbed as they see what it was really like to be a miner in the 1900s or a land girl during World War II.
A FORMER Land Girl - who grew crops for Britain during the Second World War - died after 10 days in hospital without food.
FUW president Emyr Jones has presented a former Land Girl with new copies of a book on her treasured memories.
Actress Becci Gemmell plays land girl Joyce, who becomes a nurse in the hospital and tends her husband John when he's injured.
As land girl Joyce Fisher she is taken for a birthday spin by her pilot husband.
CREATOR: Moving On is another of Jimmy McGovern's TV successes CORRIE STAR: Reece Dinsdale BAD GIRL: Eva Pope SHAMELESS: Dean Lennox Kelly LAND GIRL: Christine Bottomley FITS THE BILL: Paul Usher