land army


land army

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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D'Artagnan found himself, then, the leader of ten men of war and four sailors, having at once a land army and a sea force, which would have earned the pride of Planchet to its height, if Planchet had known the details.
He paid a thousand livres down, and deposited the three thousand with a Burgomaster, after which he brought on board without their being seen, the ten men who formed his land army; and with the rising tide, at three o'clock in the morning, he got into the open sea, maneuvering ostensibly with the four others, and depending upon the science of his galley slave as upon that of the first pilot of the port.
Now, you know better than anybody else if the land army is efficient."
Stationed in the Land Army hostel, Menai Bridge, her daily grind included threshing, hay making, stacking corn and barley, and planting potatoes and picking them.
unteered e war started so I volunteered for the land army and was kept busy for the e war started so I volunteered for the land army and was kept busy for the next three years doing general farm work.
At the outbreak of the Second World War she joined the Land Army which saw her escape the bombing in Coventry.
The Crosland Moor woman was one of many former Land Army girls who was invited to tea at BucKingham Palace.
Plus, don't miss Paul Delplanque's Remember When page on a Tuesday and his blog dedicated entirely to nostalgic memories of Teesside at TIME TO CELEBRATE They are the unsung heroines of World War II, the girls of the Land Army who left home and went to work on the farms while the menfolk were away defending the country.
MY MUM, who is 85, would love to get in touch with her friend from the Land Army.
All were former members of the Womens Land Army, who had volunteered to help the domestic war-time effort.
Mona, 87, from Edinburgh, joined the Women's Land Army in 1940 and worked on a Galloway dairy farm.
LAND GIRLS (Monday, BBC1, 5.15pm) is a lovely looking new five-part BBC Birmingham series about the Women's Land Army. It runs every day next week, before sensibly beginning a weekly run of Sunday tea-time repeats from next weekend.