inside forward

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inside forward

(Soccer) soccer (esp formerly) one of two players (the inside right and the inside left) having mainly midfield and attacking roles
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inside forward

n (Sport) → mezzala
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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The former inside forward played for the club from 1945 until his retirement in 1961, scoring 144 goals in 430 appearances.
SIR Robert William Robson is best known for his achievements as a manager, but was a highly-regarded wing-half and inside forward.
Paisley switched Ray Kennedy from inside forward to midfield 30 years ago, with amazing results.
A wing half and inside forward, Linnecor died four years ago in November 2012 at the age of 78.
Unsung hero Dereck McLean was a brilliant ball playing inside forward.
DURING 392 appearances for Aston Villa, inside forward Eric Houghton scored a staggering 170 goals.
The inside forward guested for Arsenal during wartime and they tried to sign him but he stuck by the Ton.
He originally signed for Aberdeen as an inside forward but later became a keeper.
WALTER Tull was a great inside forward with Spurs and Northampton - and played an important role in the history of football.
During his first two seasons, Jim played as an inside forward but he suffered a severe knee injury which threatened to end to his playing career.
I admired the person who I have always regarded as the finest inside forward to play football ever - Ivor Allchurch.
He made his name as a reliable inside forward with the Baggies from 1956-62, while he remains friends with Dave Jones, the Cardiff City manager, who led Wolverhampton Wanderers into the Premier League in 2003.