inner bar

inner bar

(Law) Brit all Queen's or King's Counsel collectively
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He was admitted into the Nigerian Inner Bar as a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) in 1987.
Then there's the all-season Monarch Terrace and the Parlour Room, an inner bar open by reservation or invitation-only with its own distinctive menu of rare, curated spirits.
Mr Carney was called to the Bar in 1966 and to the Inner Bar in 1980, where he specialised in criminal law.
Additionally, the company mentioned that it recently won a contract valued at USD20m that includes options by the US Army Corps of Engineers - Galveston District for routine maintenance dredging of the Galveston Entrance, Outer and Inner Bar channels, as well as the Houston Ship Channel between Bolivar Road and Redfish Island.
He obtained a law degree at Auckland University in 1978 and was admitted to the Inner Bar the same year.
The two bars rotate at different speeds, and recent studies suggest that the small inner bar may rotate in the opposite direction from the large outer bar and the galaxy's large-scale disk.
The windows chosen for use within the Homelink Show Home feature bronze color cladding, easy clean [LoE.sup.2] glass and 7/8" simulated divided light grilles with inner bar.
"We talk about it in our inner bar circles until we're blue in the face: How do we help the public understand the good things lawyers do?
TWO lawyers have challenged the oath of allegiance to the Queen that would-be Ulster QCs take on being called to the inner bar.
Lawyers, who pride themselves as learned men, have been largely divided on this matter, but members of the inner Bar are mostly speaking with one voice in defence of the CJN.