Inner house

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(Scot.) the first and second divisions of the court of Session at Edinburgh; also, the place of their sittings.

See also: Inner

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
in the outer court, and in the uncovered part of the inner house.
The outer circuit was covered as a lean-to all round this inner apartment, and long rafters lay from the thirty-two angles to the top posts of the inner house, being about twenty feet distant, so that there was a space like a walk within the outer wicker-wall, and without the inner, near twenty feet wide.
"We have marked an appeal to today's ruling and we hope that will be heard in the Inner House of the Court of Session as soon as possible," she said.
On appeal, the Inner House of the Court of Session upheld that judgment by a majority of two to one.
"I'm not in a position to say that this is a case to report to the inner house," he said.
Judge Lord Hodge wrote: "In agreement with the Inner House, I conclude that Mrs Warner's claim as Vincent's guardian is not time-barred by the Athens Convention."
In his book, God in the Gallery, Daniel Siedell recalls literary critic and philosopher George Steiner's assertion that 'art is a dangerous thing that can take over our inner house and transform us.' If this is so, Birmingham Cathedral is a house prepared to take risks.
But I hadn't come across the idea that the body could have old traumas hidden deep in its muscles and joints, like old skeletons waiting to haunt you should you open the wrong door of your inner house. The more I research the topic (between visitations from Itit and episodes of Game of Thrones, I have a little time on my hands now) the more I find this is an old, even venerable idea.
However "That decision was overturned in 2013 by the Court's Inner House, which judged the midwives were legally allowed to refrain from delegating to, supervising and supporting colleagues involved in abortion care on their wards," according to Lizzie Parry on the Daily MailOnline.
Now and only now can you dig deep and look for your inner house cleaner.