heavy mud

heavy mud

(Mining & Quarrying) a dense substance made of a mixture of the mineral barite and water that is thickened with polymers
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After that, heavy mud is pumped into a new well with the aim of shutting down the YYA-1 well.
The reservoir bed comprises heavy mud and silt, and further rainfall is expected across the country over the coming days.
On Friday morning, the dam, owned by Brazilian mining corporation Vale, collapsed in Minas Gerais' Brumadinho municipality, triggering heavy mud floods.
In the city's Petobo section, the quake caused loose, wet soil to liquefy, creating a thick, heavy mud that caused massive damage.
"Our mountains are stripped of top soil and our river waters are turning all red due to heavy mud. But what's worse, the government, particularly Mr.
The memorial day was held at Wattstown Park, Rhondda, and saw Jenson's football team battle through heavy mud to play a fundraising match.
The memorial day was held at Wattstown Park, Wattstown, Rhondda, and saw Jenson's football team battle through heavy mud to play a fundraising match.
He said: "Where I live, the main problem was not a flood, it was that heavy rains carried a lot of silt and clay in heavy mud from the soils of the plateau into the Chubut river.
Total's Elgin platform, 150 miles east of Aberdeen, was evacuated when the gas began leaking in March 2012, only stopping after more than 50 days by pumping heavy mud into the well, followed by the use of cement plugs.
A resident of the area tipped off the Cyprus Mail that the dog seemed to be trapped in an area that was inaccessible for rescue by members of the public due to heavy mud.