Heavy sea

a sea in which the waves run high.
- Spectator.

See also: Sea

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
Unluckily, however, she "broached to," and was struck by a heavy sea, that hove her on her beam-ends.
A heavy sea took him off the poop in the run between New Zealand and the Horn."
what DO you call this?' 'Rather a heavy sea on, sir, and a head-wind.'
The night was a bright one, but there was a heavy sea running, and even in the harbor the boat was rocking.
In fact, girt about as she was, breezy and exposed to the sun's hot rays, she seemed to offer to gardeners so many more guarantees of success than other places, with their heavy sea air, and their scorching heat.
Latitude and longitude, noon every day; and how many miles we made last twenty-four hours; and all the domino games I beat and horse billiards; and whales and sharks and porpoises; and the text of the sermon Sundays (because that'll tell at home, you know); and the ships we saluted and what nation they were; and which way the wind was, and whether there was a heavy sea, and what sail we carried, though we don't ever carry any, principally, going against a head wind always--wonder what is the reason of that?--and how many lies Moult has told--Oh, every thing!
When I had left the conning-tower little more than a half-hour since, the sea had been breaking over the port bow, and it seemed to me quite improbable that in so short a time an equally heavy sea could be deluging us from the opposite side of the ship--winds may change quickly, but not a long, heavy sea.
They had then continued to cruise up and down the coast for several weeks, and had about forgotten the incident of the recent chase, when, early one morning a few days before the lookout had described a vessel laboring in the trough of a heavy sea and evidently entirely out of control.
Indeed, as I gazed at the heavy sea through which we were running, I doubted that there was a boat afloat.
"Don't you think," I said, "that the heavy sea which, you told me, came aboard just then might have killed the man?
"One night, in a calm, with a heavy sea running, the main-boom-lift carried away, an' next the tackle.
But, as Matkah told Kotick, "So long as you don't lie in muddy water and get mange, or rub the hard sand into a cut or scratch, and so long as you never go swimming when there is a heavy sea, nothing will hurt you here."