garrison force

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garrison force

All units assigned to a base or area for defense, development, operation, and maintenance of facilities. See also force(s).
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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The US garrison force of Company C, Ninth Infantry, occupying the town center was led by Capt.
When Aurelius Castus, a decorated veteran of victorious campaigns against the Persian Empire, accepts a promotion to centurion, it comes at the price of transfer from the elite II Herculia legion, in which he won his reputation, to the rather less glorious VI Victrix legion, a garrison force stationed at the "edge of the world" in northern Britannia.
During the past 30 years, circumstances have driven Total Force policies well beyond their original intent, which was primarily to sustain a large garrison force by leveraging capabilities in the Reserve Components.
In January 1945, at a staging area on Oahu, Hawaii, Company C was relieved of service with the 724th and attached to Army Garrison Force APO 86.
'We thought we were just sailing off to be a garrison force to take over when the war was over,' recalls the ex-footballer.
British troops have become a garrison force of more than 8,500.
Behind these troops were 3.5 million military workers, a quarter of a million special garrison force personnel, and a national volunteer militia officially put at 28 million.
A total of 25 military bases have closed since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in April 1998 and the plan was to scale down operations to a peacetime garrison force of 8,000.
I feel that "sustainment" adequately recognizes the Army and Air Force's collaboration with the Defense Logistics Agency and other national logistics partners without returning us to a post-Cold War "garrison force" or "supply" mentality that includes a large footprint, large order quantities, and large warehouses.
A Canadian general--under the influence of an old RMC pal stationed in Hong Kong--got our government to volunteer a garrison force from the Royal Rifles of Montreal and the Winnipeg Grenadiers.
Meanwhile, Gen Crerar, establishing a tradition of ignorance at the top, strongly urged that a Canadian garrison force be sent to Hong Kong and the government, seeking visibility, agreed.