garrison duty

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Related to garrison duty: defray, brusque

garrison duty

nGarnisonsdienst m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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The same General Order allowed only six wives to accompany each Company on field service and that when a Royal Veteran Battalion embarked for foreign garrison duty all the wives `of good character' could accompany their husbands.
This mission is arguably an MP unit's most critical task, and it is something that is done daily during garrison duty. Soldiers don't realize how closely related these tasks are and find themselves wondering how to accomplish this task on the battlefield when it comes so easily during garrison duty.
But as Miller noted, "Contrary to the anti-imperialist argument, it was the lack of combat to interrupt the incessant boredom of garrison duty in remote villages that contributed decisively to low morale."
Fabrizio's reply is that there is not enough peacetime activity, such as garrison duty, to keep the troops occupied.
After a brief stay in North Carolina, the 55th spent most of its service in South Carolina, except for a foray into Florida and some garrison duty in Savannah, until its discharge in Massachusetts in September 1865.
They were joined by a second body of settlers in 1783-84, comprised primarily of disbanded soldiers whose Highland regiments had been on garrison duty in Halifax or Quebec or had been fighting in the American colonies.
When the all-volunteer forces collapse, as is bound to happen should Operation Desert Storm gibe way to permanent garrison duty in the Arabian deserts, the Pentagon will press for the reinstatement of the draft.
The problem with this example is that, up until the 1990s, the Bundeswehr was restricted by law to garrison duty in Europe, i.e.
Eames points out that when historians move beyond the climactic moments of combat to the mundane world of garrison duty or defensive scouting, they really come to see the dedication and worth of the New England provincial soldier.