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1. (tr) dialect Scot to compel; cause
2. (intr) obsolete to growl
3. (intr) obsolete to chatter or chirp
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Only groans, and people scuffing, and rolling round on the garre, floor, half the night, from twelve to morning!"
He argued that Garre under 532 is the same as Gurreh (code 509) and wants both merged."Lesyan is a Somali sub-tribe and it should be on its own but not counted as a sub-tribe of the Corner tribe," he said.
Fifa has been investigating City's international transfers for several years, although the club was cleared of breaking the rules when they signed Benjamin Garre from Velez Sarsfield in 2016 just after the Argentinian midfielder's 16th birthday.
The pastoralist communities in North Eastern comprise of the Gabra, Somali, Borana and Garre communities.
The rest of the 2019 final squad - Garcia, Iker Pozo, Taylor Richards, Adrian Bernabe, Benjamin Garre, Nabil Touaizi, Henri Ogunby, Louie Moulden, Jeremie Frimpong and Nathaniel Ogbeta - had already been retained.
Solicitor General Gregory Garre, representing Maryland, called the national bank's establishment a constitutional overreach because it is not among Congress' enumerated powers and states have "sovereign authority" to tax businesses within their borders.
The Rossi, Giusto and Garre farm properties have been owned by families for a century, but now the owners are working with the city to explore possibilities to create something community oriented.
"People have been killed, business premises bombed and torched, houses have also been set ablaze in the fight between Oromo and Somali Garre fighters," said Wario Sora, a human rights activist from Moyale on the Kenyan side.
Although, there are some investigations regarding to anti-EHV-1 activity in vitro using human anti-herpetics drugs (GARRE et al., 2007; AZAB et al., 2010), there is no defined guidelines on formulations available for treatment.
Going Out De Garre, De Garre 1, serves up some of the best but strongest beer in Bruges, so strong that the bartenders will only serve you a maximum of three.