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Related to fini: finish line


finished; over
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
' C'est fini ,' he said; and print cannot convey the pensive scorn of his voice.
TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS Such a client-oriented approach combined with advanced technical solutions resulted in a dynamically growing customer base, increasing the number of 700,000 customers in just seven months!No wonder, Zenka's efforts have been noticed and appreciated by three nominations in this edition of Fini Awards.
Initially, Fini was the leader of the Movimento Sociale Italiano which saw itself as the "heir to the Fascist Party".
The rebranding of the party required a( trip by Fini to Israel in 2003, after changing the name of his movement to the National Alliance.
The stories she composed and shared with Fini, while stranded in a foreign country in a time of uncertainty and unrest, contain images in which feelings of cultural displacement merge with the horrors of loss and sacrifice.
Fini Carstensen, Grotts and Forster exchanged the lead over the following laps, with Grotts having the advantage on the climbs and Forster gaining time on the descents.
Since Tapu Fini's water is quite special, it only gives it to those who can prove they are worthy of having it.
Ma per far questo anche chi li accetta puo farlo solo ad una, duplice, condizione: che i fini per cui si chiede di impiegare i beni rientrino nei fini della Chiesa e che siano in linea con i fini particolari propri della persona giuridica che li accetta.
Les epargnants de la cite, echaudes par la nouvelle, ont fini par expliquer le geste fatal commis par la victime par ce trou financier.
Fini Tribe -De Testimony remixes MANY of the high points of those early raves in 1988 and 1989 were when that song with the bells kicked in.
Fire trucks sprayed water over a KC-135 Stratotanker during the "fini flight" for Col.