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finger stick

or fin·ger·stick (fĭng′gər-stĭk′)
The drawing of blood from the fingertip, usually with a thin blade and a micropipette, for diagnostic testing.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

fingerstick, finger stick

n punción f digital (form), pinchazo en el dedo; — glucose glucemia capilar (form), medición f del azúcar a través de un pinchazo en el dedo
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
After the unit has been warmed and calibrated through the use of a fingerstick blood glucose test it can provide up to six painless glucose measurements per hour for 13 hours.
Screening for lead poisoning in an urban paediatric clinic using samples obtained by fingerstick. Pediatrics 1994;94:174-9.
Editorial Note: This is the first reported outbreak of HB associated with the use of fingerstick devices in the United States.
For example, it's unlikely that patients with very poor glucose control who are not committed to treatment goals and aren't already performing frequent fingerstick glucose testing will benefit from an RT-CGM.
The evaluation was carried out by trained health care professionals who collected duplicate fingerstick blood samples from 145 adult patients with diabetes.
The product utilises a fingerstick blood sample and can be carried out by a nurse or technician during a patient's initial workup.
The ABORhCard[R] is a qualitative in vitro agglutination test for the simultaneous determination of ABO blood group and Rh factor status in approximately two minutes from a fingerstick of whole blood.
"We have every confidence that they will be equally successful in the promotion and sale of our SurgiLance safety fingerstick device to the Austrian medical product marketplace."
Although there already were data that provided a rough estimate of average glucose from [HbA.sub.1c]--and indeed, many labs currently report those numbers--they were generated from old studies using infrequent fingerstick monitoring.
It's as easy as giving them a bottle of Glucola and doing a fingerstick glucose test 2 hours later," he said.