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a.1.Finical; unduly particular; excessively demanding over minor details.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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I speak not of the finicking joy of the gourmet, but the joy of an honest appetite in ecstasy, the elemental joy of absorbing quantities of fresh simple food,--mere roast lamb, new potatoes, and peas of living green.
He kept his ship in apple-pie order, which would have been seamanlike enough but for a finicking touch in its details.
After all, one drinks tea largely to please one's fellow men, Barbara, and to give oneself tone and an air of gentility(though, of myself, I care little about such things, for I am not a man of the finicking sort).
We had cutlets, and I noticed that he ate his in a somewhat finicking manner; yet having left the table for a moment to consult the sweets-card, I saw, when I returned, that there was now no bone on his plate.
I might have known thee by that pretty maiden air of thine--that dainty, finicking manner of gait.