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v. es·caped, es·cap·ing, es·capes
1. To break loose from confinement; get free: escape from jail.
2. To issue from confinement or enclosure; leak or seep out: Gas was escaping from the vent.
3. To avoid a serious or unwanted outcome: escaped from the accident with their lives.
4. Biology To become established in the wild. Used of a plant or animal.
5. Computers To interrupt a command, exit a program, or change levels within a program by using a key, combination of keys, or key sequence.
1. To succeed in avoiding: The thief escaped punishment.
2. To break loose from; get free of: The spacecraft escaped Earth's gravitational field.
3. To be outside the memory or understanding of; fail to be remembered or understood by: Her name escapes me. The book's significance escaped him.
4. To issue involuntarily from: A sigh escaped my lips.
1. The act or an instance of escaping.
2. A means of escaping.
3. A means of obtaining temporary freedom from worry, care, or unpleasantness: Television is my escape from worry.
4. A gradual effusion from an enclosure; a leakage.
5. Biology A cultivated plant or a domesticated or confined animal that has become established in the wild.
6. Computers A key used especially to interrupt a command, exit a program, or change levels within a program.

[Middle English escapen, from Old North French escaper, from Vulgar Latin *excappāre, to get out of one's cape, get away : Latin ex-, ex- + Medieval Latin cappa, cloak.]

es·cap′a·ble adj.
es·cap′er n.
Usage Note: The pronunciation (ĭk-skāp′) is often viewed by many as incorrect and is probably a result of confusion with words beginning with the prefix ex-. The word is properly pronounced without the (k) sound between the short i and the (sk) sound: (ĭ-skāp′).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
"It is not for me to second-guess the conditions by which someone is moved to open conditions but in assessing the seriousness, it is useful to know how the escaper got out of what is, after all, still a prison.
A MAGICIAN is feared dead after trying to copy a famous stunt of master escaper Harry Houdini.
The great escaper: Jack Dee (above centre and left) went over the wall, leaving behind fellow contestants Chris Eubank, Vanessa Feltz, Keith Duffy, Anthea Turner and Claire Sweeney
The great escaper: Jack Dee, above centre and left, went over the wall, leaving behind fellow contestants Chris Eubank, Vanessa Feltz, Keith Duffy, Anthea Turner and Claire Sweeney
Enhanced with brief notes and an index, The Cooler King: The True Story of William Ash, the Greatest Escaper of World War II is the amazing biography of fighter pilot William Ash, who was shot down in 1942 and spent the rest of World War II interred in and escaping from German POW camps.
The military media cell said in a statement today that: "The terrorist organization Daash announced via communication devices that will execute all of escaper from the elements after receiving painful blows from the Iraqi forces."
Memories also turned to those who have been lost since last year's 70th anniversary commemorations, including Bernard Jordan, who earned the nickname The Great Escaper.
In June, Bernard's trip to Normandy from his nursing home in Hove, Sussex, to honour his fallen comrades earned him the nickname The Great Escaper.
I did that weird thing when the Great Escaper Bernard Jordan died aged 90 this week.
Antony said he was already planning Escaper for Life III - and hoped to get funding to hold it in Huddersfield.
East Germany, which faced international opprobrium every time it shot an escaper, had kept his death a secret.