escape shaft

escape shaft

(Mining & Quarrying) a shaft in a mine through which miners can escape if the regular shaft is blocked
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But my grandfathers, whose lives were cut short by this brutal industry decades before I was born, knew education was the escape shaft.
The number of refugees coming to Germany has just begun, MAaAaAeA ller warne "Only 10 percent of the triggered in Syria and Iraq escape shaft has reached us," he said, the Daily Mail ( reported .
In October 2010 Chile's trapped miners were shuttled up a narrow escape shaft to freedom in a meticulously-planned rescue operation that ended their two-month ordeal deep underground.
All 33 miners trapped underground for more than two months after a cave-in in August were rescued safely in October through a drilled escape shaft at a mine near Copiapo, northern Chile.
The President put the lid on the escape shaft symbolizing the end of the operation.
COPIAPO - All 33 miners trapped in an underground cavern for more than two months after a cave-in were rescued safely by Wednesday night through an escape shaft at a mine near Copiapo, northern Chile.
Their escape shaft from the 2,000ft mine has now been sealed, below
It took about 24 hours to pull out the 33 miners and six rescuers who had gone down the escape shaft to help the men get out.
The rescue capsule was not rotating as much inside the 2,041-foot escape shaft as officials expected, allowing for faster trips, Health Minister Jaime Manalich said.
As it travelled down and up, down and up, the rescue capsule was not rotating as much inside the 2,041-foot escape shaft as officials expected, allowing for faster trips, Health Minister Jaime Manalich said.
As it travelled down and up, down and up, the rescue capsule was not rotating as much inside the 2,041-foot escape shaft as offi-cials expected, allowing for faster trips, Health Minister Jaime Manalich said.