

n.1.(Zool.) A genus of Bryozoa which produce delicate corals, often incrusting like lichens, but sometimes branched.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
Several genera (Flustra Eschara, Cellaria, Crisia, and others) agree in having singular moveable organs (like those of Flustra avicularia, foun in the European seas) attached to their cells.
The fact that the altar (thymele) present in the center of the tragic space is a god's altar or is eschara, the par excellence seat of the sacrifices made as offerings to the missing heroes, means however that in this center of the tragic space stands the dialogue with death and with divine powers." (Borie 2007: 62)
Charicleia, putting on her Delphic robe with its solar rays and leaping upon the burning eschara, is presented as a transfigured being, glowing with a holiness that arises from her virgin purity, more goddess than a mortal woman (10.9.3.); see Morgan (1998) 71-72.
Pauly's Real Enciclopadie der Classischen Altertumswissenshaft (1913, 615), gives three Greek designations for hearth: esxara (eschara), boros (boros), and estia (estia), among which estia was the one used to designate the religious hearth and its altar.