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[ˈɜːrθwɜːrks] npl (ARCHAEOLOGY)ouvrages mpl de terre
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


[ˈɜːθˌwɜːks] npllavori mpl di sterro
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
Several battalions of soldiers, in their shirt sleeves despite the cold wind, swarmed in these earthworks like a host of white ants; spadefuls of red clay were continually being thrown up from behind the bank by unseen hands.
Great anxiety prevails in West Surrey, and earthworks are being thrown up to check the advance Londonward." That was how the Sunday SUN put it, and a clever and remarkably prompt "handbook" article in the REFEREE compared the affair to a menagerie suddenly let loose in a village.
We have moved forward across his earthworks, across which we have so often vainly attempted to move before, through the debris of his abandoned camps, among the graves of his fallen, into the woods beyond.
Just outside, soldiers were engaged in throwing up earthworks. It was evident to the least enlightened that Menelek expected further reverses.
It was pleasant and quiet, out there with the sails on the river passing beyond the earthwork, and sometimes, when the tide was low, looking as if they belonged to sunken ships that were still sailing on at the bottom of the water.
One Sunday when Joe, greatly enjoying his pipe, had so plumed himself on being "most awful dull," that I had given him up for the day, I lay on the earthwork for some time with my chin on my hand, descrying traces of Miss Havisham and Estella all over the prospect, in the sky and in the water, until at last I resolved to mention a thought concerning them that had been much in my head.
She heard the shrill whistle of alarm, the beaten drum; she saw the spade exchanged for the rifle, and the long line of toilers disappear behind the natural earthwork which their labours had created.
Release date- 02092019 - CIMIC Group Company CPB Contractors, with its joint venture partner, has won an earthworks project for the construction of Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport.
This is just another day on the job for Yoxtheimer, 23, who is a tree cutter for Earthworks Tree Service.
In a letter sent to the company today, the council said the company was found to have conducted earthworks and filled up the swamp without applying for approval from the local authority.
This archaeological study presents geographical and historical context for understanding pre-Columbian raised agricultural fields and other earthworks in the Llanos de Mojos region of the Bolivian Amazon.