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See also geology.

an earthquake occurring at very deep levels of the earth.
the slow upward and downward motion of the earth’s crust. — bradyseismic, adj.
any major disaster, as an earthquake, flood, etc. See also water. — cataclysmal, adj.
a line drawn about an epicenter through all points affected by the same seismic shock. — coseismic, adj.
a point on the earth’s surface directly above the true center of the seismic disturbance from which the shock waves of an earthquake seem to radiate.
a major earthquake. — macroseismic, adj.
a violent earthquake. — megaseismic, adj.
an almost imperceptible earth tremor caused by a violent sea storm or an earthquake and detected only by a microseismometer. — microseismic, adj.
the intensity, frequency, and distribution of earthquakes in a specific area.
an earthquake. — seismic, adj.
the record of an earthquake’s vibrations and intensity made by a seismograph.
any of various devices for measuring and recording the vibrations and intensities of earthquakes. — seismographer, n. — seismographic, seismographical, adj.
1. the scientific measuring and recording of the shock and vibrations of earthquakes.
2. seismology.
the branch of geology that studies earthquakes and their effects. Also seismography. — seismologist, n. — seismologic, seismological, adj.
a special seismograph equipped to measure the actual movement of the ground. — seismometry, n. — seismometric, adj.
an earthquake that occurs in a part of the world far away from a recording station. — teleseismic, adj.
an instrument for detecting or measuring very slight earth tremors.
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References in classic literature ?
The great winding-sheets, that bury all things in oblivion, are two; deluges and earthquakes. As for conflagrations and great droughts, they do not merely dispeople and destroy.
Think of what earthquakes and floods, wars and volcanoes, have done before to men!
The tops of the high mountains tremble and the tangled wood echoes awesomely with the outcry of beasts: earthquakes and the sea also where fishes shoal.
Riding through the town, we could see marks of the six Smyrnas that have existed here and been burned up by fire or knocked down by earthquakes. The hills and the rocks are rent asunder in places, excavations expose great blocks of building-stone that have lain buried for ages, and all the mean houses and walls of modern Smyrna along the way are spotted white with broken pillars, capitals and fragments of sculptured marble that once adorned the lordly palaces that were the glory of the city in the olden time.
It is known that earthquakes frequently cause masses of earth to fall from sea-cliffs: how terrific, then, would be the effect of a severe shock (and such occur here [13]) on a body like a glacier, already in motion, and traversed by fissures!
At last there was a still more violent earthquake, and a huge gap appeared in the side of the Mountains.
Therefore, O children of the earthquake and the storm, let us stand shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, and pocket to pocket!"
"That's the end of them!" exclaimed Tom, as the rumble of the earthquake died away.
I had no sooner stepped do ground, than I plainly saw it was a terrible earthquake, for the ground I stood on shook three times at about eight minutes' distance, with three such shocks as would have overturned the strongest building that could be supposed to have stood on the earth; and a great piece of the top of a rock which stood about half a mile from me next the sea fell down with such a terrible noise as I never heard in all my life.
Now there is a certain huge cavern in the depths of the sea midway between Tenedos and rocky Imbrus; here Neptune lord of the earthquake stayed his horses, unyoked them, and set before them their ambrosial forage.
But you come back to earth at meal-time, I am sure, or when an earthquake happens along.
"If you had any sense at all you'd known it was the earthquake."