doss house

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n., pl. -hous•es (-ˌhaʊ zɪz)
a cheap, run-down hotel or rooming house.
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When Bob bought the building he says it was a being used as a "doss house".
We had to wait in the A&E department, it was like waiting in a doss house.
According to one resident, his house had been a "doss house and drug den".
I was so hard up I finished up staying in The Great Eastern Hotel in Duke Street - don't let the name throw you, it was a doss house. I rented a cubicle for 30 shillings a week.
While Andy finds himself in charge of the doss house, where those who could afford four pence could sleep in a 'coffin bed'.
As well as the tenement, there are businesses too, including a small shop and lodgings known as a doss house.
I feared that we would end up with Mrs O'Grady's doss house.
Gregg Reed, of New Leaf, said: "It is important to us this is not just a doss house where people get stuck with high rent and can't move on."
Very much in the spirit of l'autrichienne, Thomas visits the doss house not to extend his sympathy, but to spice an over-privileged life by slumming with the social "other." Thomas as deus absconditus takes nothing from the experience beyond a set of stolen images like those brought home from the park.
Neighbours said the property may have been used as a doss house and was a magnet for antisocial behaviour.