domestic court

domestic court

(Law) (in England) a magistrates' court for domestic proceedings, such as matrimonial, guardianship, custodianship, affiliation, or adoption disputes
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The Government of Sri Lanka has an obligation under international law to deliver justice to the victims of the killings either through the domestic court system, or through a judicial mechanism with a special counsel to investigate allegations of violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, which the government proposed to establish in UN Human Rights Council resolution 30/1 (2015), Amnesty International said.
The whole purpose of international arbitration clauses is to enable the investor to bypass the domestic court system.
Despite the shocking video evidence of excessive force towards the Roma in Zborov, the domestic court and the Police Inspectorate announced that they had found "no wrongdoings" in the actions of the police officers involved.Sadly, this did not come as a surprise to many who are familiar with the history of such cases against police brutality in Slovakia.
A WikiLeaks lawyer has arrived in Ecuador to launch the case, which is set to be heard in a domestic court next week.
WikiLeaks lawyer Baltasar Garzon has arrived in Ecuador to launch the case, which is set to be heard in a domestic court next week.
"Without additional meaningful constraints, Congress is allowing the government to use information collected without a warrant against Americans in domestic court proceedings," Republican Senator Rand Paul and Democratic Senator Ron Wyden, vocal opponents of the legislation, wrote in a letter to Senate colleagues last week.
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit notes that while this case involves one state party seeking to enforce its treaty rights in the domestic court of another state party, such dispute is non-justiciable.
(25) Indeed, there is a "growing body of law in the United States," which provides that if a branch or affiliate of a foreign financial institution is operating within the U.S., such entity must disclose information in its possession to even a private litigant pursuant to a domestic court's order --even if such disclosure violates the confidentiality or secrecy laws of the foreign parent's domicile.
courts tracks not the precise source of foreign authority, but rather the reason that a domestic court considers it.
"South Africa has shamefully flouted ICC and domestic court to free man wanted for mass murder of Africans," he added.