crocodile clip

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Related to crocodile clip: alligator clip

crocodile clip

(Electrical Engineering) a clasp with serrated interlocking edges used for making electrical connections
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? Get glam this season with the Niaomi Gold Pearl Diamante Detail Rectangle Crocodile Clip. PS3.99 WWW.REBELLIOUSFASHION.CO.UK
"I cast off early because I didn't have anything warm and pinned the short length of knitting round my neck with a crocodile clip from my hair and I quite liked it.
He added: ''The last dog in that incident was killed by putting on to its tail a crocodile clip and another one on to its ear and then connecting it to the main electrical system.'' Parker, of Kexby Lane, Kexby, Lincolnshire, was found guilty of holding a fight in the garage at her home and possessing three pit bull dogs.
OLLIE used to fix a crocodile clip on to a spring of a wire at his boarding house dormitory and faithfully tuned to Radio Caroline every night.
Then get the tail as high as possible using a crocodile clip - I find this is the only thing that holds the weight.
For anyone who's struggled to secure a tarp over a boat, log pile, trailer or half-shingled roof, here's an ingenious helper--the Crocodile Clip. Place the edge of a tarp between the two jaws, slide the locking mechanism until the jaws have a solid bite, then attach a Bungee cord or rope.
long sleeve is held in place by a crocodile clip to prevent slippage.
When I was 10 years old, a friend of mine showed me a trick called the coin vanish, which used a bit of elastic, a crocodile clip and a safety pin to make a coin disappear up his sleeve.